About us

The Association of Disabled People Helping Each Other (Mozgáskorlátozottak Egymást Segítők Egyesülete) in Salgótarján, Lőwy Sándor út 12-14. is a place of work accredited since July 1, 2007.

Our aim is to employ people with disabilities in disabled people, provide labor market information to the target group, social, work, career and rehabilitation counseling, change of working abilities and information of employers, including NGOs, change, sensitization, so that we can better assist the entry into the labor market.

Between 2002 and 2004, a successful program was implemented as a winner of the National Public Employment Public Foundation KID Program on improving the labor market situation of young people between the ages of 15 and 26, which could later result in the establishment of the National KID Association. Between 2007 and 2009, we implemented a Telepes program in cooperation with the Municipality of Sóshartyan aimed at improving the situation of the Roma on the labor market. We carried out a survey on the Roma settlement of nearly 900 people, their living conditions, and their school qualifications. As a result of the program, 10 people under-qualified Roma people successfully completed primary school.

In the framework of TÁMOP-1.1.1, the rehabilitation service for the whole Nógrád County has been carried out for three years in order to facilitate the integration of people with reduced working capacity into the labor market.

Our TÁMOP-5.5.2 project was implemented in 2012-2013 in the Bátonyterenye and Salgótarján districts, in cooperation with several civil organizations dealing with disabilities. Within the framework of the project, we have placed great emphasis on popularizing and socializing volunteer work. Within the framework of the program, our volunteers volunteered for 6,300 volunteers of 137 public interest volunteers, 47 of them with disabilities. In 2009, we registered with the 1038 registration number in the Ministry, which means that we can receive long-term unemployed people who are excluded from social care, for employment in the public interest volunteer work. To date, more than 230 people have been in a state of disadvantages for voluntary work of general interest. We have cooperation agreements with 3 high schools. In the community service, we have featured more than 40 young people, the world of civil work. TÁMOP-5.2.5 We closed the 26-month drug prevention program in 2014.

In 2014-2015, Palóc Network Association, which is also a founding member of our association, has implemented interactive, playful, sporting programs for disadvantaged young people.

In the MONTH the TÁMOP 2.6.2. program, 2 TQM services were introduced: labor market and social information provision. In the year 2014, our association has actively participated in the program of the ÁROP "Dialogue Salgótarján" program implemented by the Local Government of Salgótarján County and NGOs. We worked together in the civil, youth and equal opportunities working groups. In 2015, we will also participate in the project "Territorial Cooperation Assistance Programs in the Salgótarján District for the Implementation of the Objectives of Local Opportunities Programs", awarded by the Local Government of Salgótarján County Council, with the identification number AROP-1.A.3-2014-2014-0091. we have been able to develop a closer relationship with the 17 municipalities of the district, with 10 civil organizations, with the local government institutions and some representatives of the for-profit sector. 2 members of our team are members of the Salgótarjáni Civil Roundtable, we are members of national networks (MEOSZ, National KID Association)

Both the KID and the settler program focused on programs implemented for young people with underdeveloped young people, through which development programs were realized through the help of our specialists.

Today, we are also actively supporting the activities of the "Sakkozzuk ki!" volunteer youth group.
